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Sourdough Starter

Making your own starter is incredibly easy, and the starter is not difficult to maintain.

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 packet dry yeast (or 2 teaspoons)

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 cups water

Using a wooden or plastic spoon and a glass or plastic mixing bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Never use metal spoons or mixing bowl with sourdough starter. Acid and metal don't mix.

Gradually stir in water, and mix until it forms a thick paste. Don't worry about lumps. They'll disappear.

Cover bowl with a dishtowel, and let it sit in a warm place for 2 to 3 days, stirring the mixture a couple times a day. It's ready when it develops a pleasant sour smell and looks bubbly.

Store in the refrigerator. (I keep mine in a 1-quart glass Mason jar covered loosely with a plastic sandwich bag.)

The night before using starter in a recipe, remove about a cup of starter and mix it in a bowl with equal parts water and flour. (Some recipes, like my pancake recipe, specify how much starter and additional flour and water to use.)

Cover bowl with a towel and let mixture sit on counter overnight. The next day, return at least 1/2 cup starter to container in refrigerator and stir. Use the rest in the recipe.

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