For all the romance associated with road trips, there's a lot of tedium, too: Just ask anyone who's ever slogged diagonally across Indiana, pausing occasionally to stagger, dead-eyed, into the Stuckey's outlet in Wolcott. But the crushing exhaustion and faceless landscapes can fade from memory in a nanosecond when accompanied by the perfect piece of adrenaline-infused music. These five tracks serve that purpose beautifully, so be sure to put them on for those moments when the landmarks are starting to whiz by in a joyously indistinct blur. Before you put them on, though, it's best to set the cruise control to something reasonably safe: That way, when you instinctively and inevitably stomp on the gas pedal, no one will die.
For more entries in this summer's weekly Road Trip: Songs to Drive By series click here.
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