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Wintertime Discovery

Season 39 Episode 3923 | 28m 17s

A little cabin snuggled deep in the snow with radiant sky as the backdrop – join Bob Ross and his busy paint brushes today.

Aired: 02/03/23 | Expires: 09/05/23
Wintertime Discovery
Distributed nationally by American Public Television
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  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 40
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 39
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  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 37
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 36
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 35
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 34
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 33
  • The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross Season 30
Snow-covered landscape, icy pond and cabin, compliments of Bob Ross.
Bob Ross creates a painting within the shape of the state of Florida.
Big ol' country barn snuggled in the snow.
Visit this deep wooded valley with Bob Ross and get a double surprise!
Happy little church tucked into a bed of snow, evergreens and mountains.
Bob Ross takes you into the silent misty forest as it awakens from slumber.
Bob Ross captures the undaunted power and charm of a glorius mountain.
Bob Ross places a lonesome cabin in the middle of a wintry setting.
A charming Bob Ross landscape from Nicholas Hankins’ brushes.
Bob Ross takes us to a beautiful hideaway nested below a towering mountain.
Nicholas Hankins crafts a night scene with silhouettes of happy little Bob Ross trees.
You will be captivated by this Bob Ross creation or an old mill!
Bob Ross teaches us to capture the exciting colors of autumn on canvas.
Bob Ross takes you into the silent misty forest as it awakens from slumber.
Bob Ross paints a simple yet lovely monochromatic scene.
Bob Ross' paints a soft landscape setting at the base of a towering mountain.
Bob Ross paints a big old barn in a snowy setting of frostbitten foliage.
Nicholas Hankins creates an expansive view of a Bob Ross snowcapped mountain.
Bob Ross creates a fantastic waterfall on black canvas.
Mysteries unfold in a Bob Ross black canvas masterpiece!