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Cancer Mortality Drops

Doctor Andrew Poklepovic Physician And Researcher At The VCU Massey Cancer Center
Dr. Andrew Poklepovic: Physician and Researcher at the VCU Massey Cancer Center and Director of the Clinical Trials Office. (Photo: Massey Cancer Center)

The  American Cancer Society says the mortality rate for cancer has experienced the biggest one year decline ever, driven largely by a drop in lung cancer deaths.  Charles Fishburne reports. 


Charles Fishburne:  The decline in smoking and advanced cancer treatment like immunotherapy are behind the lower death rate, according to the American Cancer Society’s 2020 report.  Andrew Poklepovic is a Physician and Researcher at the VCU Massey Cancer Center:

Poklepovic:  I have seen patients, that before the advent of immunotherapy had no chance of survival beyond a few months and they are now in remission and off treatment and doing very, very well.

Fishburne:  The death rate for all cancers has fallen nearly 30 percent since peaking in 1991. Still, the American Cancer Society predicts about 1.8 million new cases of cancer this year. Charles Fishburne, VPM News.
