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General Assembly TV March 6, 2020

The Virginia Clean Economy Act, which phases out carbon emissions by 2045, heads to Gov. Northam's desk after passing through the General Assembly.


From the state capitol in Richmond, I’m Whittney Evans. 

A massive proposal designed to thwart climate change and create clean energy jobs in Virginia is headed to Governor Ralph Northam for his signature. 

The Virginia Clean Economy Act would phase out carbon emissions by 2045, through investments in solar and wind power as well as energy efficiency measures. 

Climate activists rallied outside the state capitol this week in support of the bill, in part because it will expand access to renewable energy in the state.

Jack Shea, Sigora Solar.: “Solar energy on a residential level and a commercial level is completely attainable. We’re not 20 years ago where it’s extremely expensive. It’s becoming more affordable. It’s becoming the more affordable option.”  

The House passed the bill Thursday following impassioned debate. 

Del. Rip Sullivan (D-Fairfax): “We know what we need to do. We know where the future is headed. The Clean Economy Act is just the sort of bold action Virginia needs to take and it needs to take it now.”

There was some concern about how the legislation would impact rate payers. 

The State Corporation Commission estimated it would increase costs for customers, but supporters of the bill say that estimate didn’t include energy efficiency measures. 

For Assembly 20’, I’m Whittney Evans.

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