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Virtual Science Pub RVA | TRUST

scrabble tiles of word "TRUST"

  • What is trust and how is it studied?
  • How can you rebuild trust in your personal relationships?
  • Do Americans trust scientists?
  • How is the COVID-19 crisis affecting public opinion about trust in science?                                                               

Explore these questions and more in a relaxed, social setting when you join other curious minds virtually for Science Pub RVA on June 9th. Two researchers will present short talks that explore the topic of trust and the impact it has on our lives.

Trust in Intimate Relationships
Nina Farmer, Ph.D.
– “Will you be there for me?” From early childhood, our sense of trust is formed and hopefully, nurtured. But acts of betrayal or even misunderstandings can erode that trust. Dr. Nina Farmer will discuss the importance of trust in intimate relationships and how to assess whether the foundation of trust has begun to crumble. She will also present strategies to rebuild trust, including how to approach difficult emotions and conversations in our relationships.


Spotlight On Trust in Scientists During the Pandemic
Cary Funk, Ph.D
– As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to upend American life, Dr. Cary Funk will share insights and analysis from Pew Research Center on how Americans’ think about science today and how they see the role of public health experts in state and government policy. Dr. Funk will walk us through the degree to which Americans trust scientists and broad patterns in who tends to be more trusting and more skeptical of scientists and their advice.


Tuesday, June 9  7:30 p.m.
Log in to Zoom at 7:15 p.m. to meet, mingle, play trivia and more.

Online! Grab a coffee or cocktail and say cheers with us virtually via your computer, tablet or phone. Join other curious minds in the Zoom environment to interact with others, participate in trivia and polls, and ask questions of the scientific thinkers. Register for your free ticket on Eventbrite and you’ll receive an email with information on how to  join Zoom along with some things to do and enjoy prior to the pub.

This evening will be a great opportunity to support your local restaurants by ordering food and drinks to enjoy during the pub. Check back here for cocktail science videos that will help you create your own special drink for the evening.

Who Should Come
All curious minds are welcome. No background in science is needed.

Featured Scientific Thinkers

Cary Funk, Ph.D . – Director of Science and Society Research, Pew Research Center
Dr. Funk leads the Pew Research Center’s efforts to understand the implications of science for society. Their studies look at the social, ethical and policy implications of scientific developments in areas such as climate and energy, emerging issues in genetic engineering, and food and space science. She has authored or co-authored a number of reports focused on public trust in science, scientific experts and science news and information. Prior to joining Pew Research Center, she directed the Virginia Commonwealth University Life Sciences Surveys, national surveys on science and biotechnology. Dr. Funk began her career at CBS News in New York working on pre-election polling and analysis of exit polls. She earned a doctorate and a master’s in social psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Nina Farmer, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Psychology, Randolph-Macon College
Dr. Farmer’s primary area of research addresses questions about emotion regulation and interpersonal processes. How do people respond to social information, particularly when it presents an emotional challenge? How do they react to and manage the feelings and thoughts that arise? What individual differences influence the short- and long-term effects of these reaction styles? Recent research has focused on emotion differentiation, social anxiety, and its effect on people’s internal and social lives. She has published and presented on a variety of topics including depression, sexual functioning, pediatric obesity, aggression, and eating disorders. Dr. Farmer completed her undergraduate work at Princeton University and earned her doctorate at George Mason University.  

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