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Isolated Film Series

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Isolated Films
VPM asked professional filmmakers to turn the cameras inward and document their experiences during the pandemic. The result is an array of stories told in many different styles, some with a single point-of-view and others with multi-artist collaborations. Take a look behind the glass as individuals reflect on life in social isolation.



We All Reflect Hope | Aaron Rosapepe

How do we reflect hope when so much is uncertain? A poet, dancer, musician, editor and producer collaborated across states to create a choreographed expression of the human need for connection.

Aaron Rosapepe: Independent Producer, Editor



Our Greatest Challenge Is | B.K. Fulton 

B.K. Fulton’s full length inspiring virtual commencement speech for the da Vinci Center at VCU has been seen by thousands and shared by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. This shorter version named, “Our Greatest Challenge Is,”  reminds us all to remember those on the margins. With faith, hope and love, we can be alone together and come out of the pandemic as a better version of ourselves.

B.K. Fulton: Chairman of Soulidifly Productions


Don’t Stop, Keep Going | Paul T. Roberts

During the recession in 2009, Paul Roberts repeated a mantra he heard from the musician and composer, Frank Zappa, “ don’t stop, keep going.” This saying made a difference in Paul's life as he continued to create films, make music, and become a flight instructor.

Paul Roberts: Independent Producer, Director

It’s Like Groundhog Day | Brad Clore

The pandemic brought repetition, like the movie Groundhog Day, to Brad’s family. While work stopped, he was able to spend time with his daughter, son and wife. Together, they tell a story familiar to many others navigating the everyday, repetitive cycle of home life during the pandemic.

Brad Clore: Directory of Photography, Wahoo Video

Slowing Down in Staunton | Lysandra Petersson and Zach Laliberte

Slowing down takes patience. Partners in their career and marriage, Lysandra and Zach are learning this lesson as they re-imagine their work and family life during the pandemic.

Lysandra Petersson, Zach Laliberte: Deep Structure Productions