Home Learning | Songs and Stories with Mary and Mike
Episode 10 - This episode is special, because it’s all about you! Do you like to draw? Do you like to sing? Do you like to build? Join us for some inspiration to get started telling your own, unique story. We will take time to look out the window, sing a song, read a book, and hear the story of a young musician who gets inspiration from all the things around him. Get ready to tell YOUR story!
VA Unified Early Learning and Development Standards
- APL1.1 Being curious learners
- APL2.1 Playing with toys and materials
- APL3.1 Focusing and paying attention
- APL3.2 Building working memory
- APL3.3 Thinking flexibly
- APL3.6 Taking risks and embracing goals
- SED1.2 Developing self-esteem and confidence
- CLLD1.1 Understanding verbal and nonverbal cues
- CLLD2.3 Paying attention to print
- CLLD2.4 Understanding ideas, vocabulary and information in stories and texts
- CD1.1 Paying attention to the natural world
- CD2.3 Learning about differences
- CD4.1 Exploring and expressing ideas through movement and dance
- CD4.2 Learning about and through music
- CD4.4 Using visual arts media to develop skills and express thoughts and feelings
National Standards for Music Education
- Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
- Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
- Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts