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Mending Walls Producer Statement

As documentary producers, it’s our job to observe a process and be in the background of the action. However, we would be lying if we said this project hasn’t affected us. Through this project, we learned who we are as citizens of Richmond, VA and, what type of advocates we need to be for the future. We are deeply listening to those who need all of us to listen. We are empathizing with the struggle and cultural differences between us, and we are connecting with others in life-changing ways. Our own children are actively participating in these hard conversations while volunteering with these artists as they paint their murals. 

Production on this story is still unfolding, yet by October of 2020, 18 murals will represent the reflective journey of over 26 artists of different cultural backgrounds during this project. Art has a way of establishing commonalities between citizens that experience it and creating empathy and understanding when there is little hope of reconciliation over issues of inequality among us. "Mending Walls, The Documentary" is the next story we want to tell. We are determined to show viewers the triumphant response that Richmond muralists and activists created from the deep hurt experienced by our community back in May 2020. 


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