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VPM Discussion Guide: Systemic Racism

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Image: VPM

Racism: Challenging Perceptions is dedicated to supporting individuals as they explore opportunities to build more equitable communities. We have selected a few key topics from each conversation in our second installment of programs and created a discussion guide for you to use with your friends, families, colleagues and community members.

As you discuss the first episode, we encourage you to consider the following ( Download a PDF version here):


  • Ownership was a recurring theme. Do you believe ownership is important when dismantling systemic racism? Why or why not?
  • Home ownership, Entrepreneurship, Land, etc. What area of ownership is most valuable to you?

Centering Blackness

  • In what areas of your life might you center Blackness to change your perspective?

Reaching for Racial Equity

  • If asked to contribute to the Racial Equity project, what would the title of your essay be? Please elaborate.

Does racial equity feel possible or attainable? Why or why not?

Media and the Movement

  • How has the media helped to connect you with a clearer understanding of equity?

Grace Granting

  • How have you extended grace to others in the process of aiming to achieve more equitable systems?

Tired, But Inspired

  • How are you continuing the push for equity and justice during times of fatigue?

Navigating Spaces Together

  • How have you sought new connections or fortified existing relationships in your journey to support equity building?

The Marathon Continues

  • How have you been able to navigate eagerness to see rapid changes toward equity while also taking the time and space to listen, learn and affect more about systemic racism and inequitable systems?

“There's nothing wrong with Black folks understanding that before you were a Democrat, Republican or an Independent, you were Black. There's nothing wrong with us putting ourselves first.” - Dr. Wes Bellamey

“Transformed people, transform people.” - Ebony Walden



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