Racism: Challenging Perceptions is dedicated to supporting individuals as they explore opportunities to build more equitable communities. We have selected a few key topics from each conversation in our second installment of programs and created a discussion guide for you to use with your friends, families, colleagues and community members.
As you discuss the second episode, we encourage you to consider the following ( Download a PDF version here):
Healed and Whole
- To be healed and whole sounds great, but also feels unattainable at times due to trauma and our state of affairs. How might you incorporate wellness practices into your daily life to reach this goal?
- There was a theme of interconnectedness throughout this session. How does the interconnectedness of wellness show up in your life and daily interactions?
Tribe Love / Community of Care
- Ashley and Sheila both discussed what their community of care looked like. If you were to create a community of care, what would that look like for you? Are there current communal practices that you embody?
- What strategies do you use to center yourself, and your thoughts, before engaging in discussions on racism?
- Who have you leaned on the most for support when facing personal and/or national issues of inequities and racism? Why?
- How does understanding your legacy and lineage shape your understanding of racism and equity?
Soul Care
What does Soul Care mean to you?
- How do you embody soul care as a regular and consistent practice for yourself and your loved ones?
- Our panelists discussed grace, mindfulness, and centering as a practice. Do you practice any of these and how does grace and mindfulness show up for you? How might you grow your practice in either of these areas?
“...my home is affectionately referred to as the Battle Station. What that means is that my house is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to my community. That can look like five little kids on their way to the bus stop, who need a honeybun and a hug. Or it could be a knock on my door at two in the morning with a battered woman on my steps, saying please don't call the police because I love him... Our love language is grace. And so, everything that we do and every encounter we have is filtered through the lens of grace.” - Sheila Battle
“Our bodies are the soil of our experiences. It is our birthright to actually live into our gifts and live into the purpose in which we're supposed to be here. None of that matters, unless we're actually grounded and being able to connect with the here and the now.” - Ashley Williams