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Jen's Korean Pear BBQ Sauce

A plate of beef topped with scallions and sesame seeds sits next to the Asian pears and BBQ sauce used to create the recipe
Try using Jen's BBQ sauce recipe as a marinade! (Photo: VPM)

Jen Naylor grows a few types of Asian Pears in her orchard, but Korean Pear ‘Olympic Giant’ is one of her favorites. This pear is shaped like a large apple, has a crisp texture similar to an apple, and has a very sweet taste.  Jen finds her trees to easy grow and mostly pest and disease resistant. ‘Olympic Giant’ trees can bear fruit quickly after planting and produce a large harvest.

Of course Jen loves eating these pears right off the tree but she also uses them in several recipes, and Korean BBQ Sauce is one of her most popular. So try growing the Korean Pear and making this delicious sauce that can compliment all kinds of meats!


1/2 cup Asian pear

2 spring onions

2 cloves garlic

1/2 cup sweet onion

1 cup soy sauce

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1/4 cup white sugar

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 teaspoon fresh ginger

1 teaspoon black pepper


Put all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. This will marinate up to 2 pounds of meat. 

Jen’s serving suggestion:

"I use thinly sliced beef ribeye to make Bulgogi. The bulgogi can be eaten with steamed rice or put on a slider buns for a bulgogi slider. You can add a sunny side up egg on the slider to make a breakfast slider."

Keep up with Jen Naylor and everything delicious that she is growing and cooking at Sussex Farm.

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