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The Gift of Generosity

Two men sit at a table. The man on the right is in a wheelchair. The man on the left is speaking with him.
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VPM News Focal Point
Kevin Engel (left) and Justin Spurlock (right) look at the design of Spurlock’s future home.

Justin Spurlock has thrown more than a half dozen fundraisers to help others with disabilities. And now, his community is giving back to him. 


ADRIENNE McGIBBON: Justin Spurlock loves cars.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: I've just been around cars all my life. I guess it's a guy thing. My hobbies are just fishing and being around a lot of racing.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: His passion runs so deep that not even a life-changing accident could change his mind.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: Yeah, it's kind of like a bike, you know? You fall off it, get back on it and go again. It's a traumatic experience, but you got to just keep going.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: He fell asleep at the wheel and woke up paralyzed from his chest down. It took years to relearn how to manage everyday tasks and how to get around. But once he got going, he had an insatiable drive to help others. Justin heard about a teenager named Cole with a spinal cord injury, and he reached out to offer his help.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: I sat down with his dad that day. He's like, "All right, let's make it happen." That first show was my first car show I had put on, and we registered 400 cars that day.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: The proceeds from Justin's first car show helped pay for an adaptive vehicle for Cole.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: And that turned out real, real good.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: It was so good that Justin decided to do it again for another person with a spinal cord injury. And then another. Next, Justin started raising money for paralyzed veterans. In total, Justin estimates he's raised over $150,000 for others. He says, growing up, his grandparents taught him to always give a helping hand.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: So, they were always like, you know, “You work for what you get. You know, you do right by people. You don't see race. You don't see, you know, sex or anything like that. You just be a good person and just help them out.”

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: And now, after all that giving, it's Justin's turn to be the recipient of generosity.


KEVIN ENGEL: You can read over his resume and see how hard he has worked to help others and to do good work for the community. And why would you not want to help a person that worked so hard to help others?

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: Kevin Engel has known Justin most of his life. As a teen, Justin coached his son in roller hockey.

KEVIN ENGEL: We had to work for a good while to get him to agree to let us find a way to let others give back to him. He lived with his grandparents, and he wants to be independent. And with that spirit of not having any limits, he should have his own home.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: So that's how Justin ended up throwing a car show for himself, helping to raise money to build his dream home.

JUSTIN SPURLOCK: It's a different feeling knowing that what I've done for other people, and now the favor is being returned back to me. The hardest part was accepting it. And even till this day, it's an uncomfortable feeling, but it's a good feeling. And, if you want to grow, you have to be uncomfortable.

ADRIENNE McGIBBON: With donations and help from volunteers, construction has already begun on Justin's future home. It'll be built to his needs and, of course, will include a massive garage. Engel hopes it'll be the start of the next chapter for Justin.

KEVIN ENGEL: And certainly, put him in a better position to do even greater things as far as being able to give back

Adrienne is the video editor and health care reporter at VPM.
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