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Apply for the VPM Community Advisory Board

White vpm logo with richmond images in background

VPM Community Advisory Board Responsibilities and Expectations

Do you enjoy consuming and sharing VPM content?

VPM is regularly seeking new members to join our Community Advisory Board (CAB). To apply, use the CAB application form shown below.

Community Advisory Board (CAB) members are VPM ambassadors who are reflective of the communities we serve. CAB members advise about, advocate for, and amplify VPM content within our communities. We are looking for people who are passionate about our content, providing feedback, identifying gaps and sharing community priorities with us. We are committed to ensuring people in our communities see themselves through the stories we tell.

I. Responsibilities, with a focus on providing feedback on content:

  • Serve as an ambassador for VPM in the community 
  • Connect VPM to needs and priorities in the community 
  • Inform the work we do 
  • Expand the reach of our programs to new audiences and deepen engagement 
  • Connect VPM with community partners and funders 
  • Expand the impact of our programs by sharing them with those who can most benefit 

II. Expectations:

  • Have a passion for public media  
  • Consume VPM content 
  • Commit to attending quarterly board meetings  
  • Be a member of VPM (at the highest level comfortable for you)  
  • Serve on an action team, as needed 
  • Participate in VPM CAB orientation 
  • Use networks to expand the reach/impact of VPM content 
  • Volunteer for VPM virtual and in-person events 
  • Reside or work in one of VPM's coverage areas which extend from Richmond, Charlottesville, Shenandoah Valley and to surrounding counties of these markets.