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The Richmond-based vocal ensemble Vox Humana presents a concert at St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Erin Freeman
Photo: PJ Schlobohm

Richmond's newly-formed vocal ensemble Vox Humana is presenting a concert at St. Paul's Episcopal Church this Friday, April 1st at 7pm.  The concert will feature Lenten treasures from the Tudor Period, Mendelssohn, Buxtehude, Christmas in April, as well as pieces with text written by Langston Hughes.  The ensemble is directly by William Bradley Roberts and the concert is free, with donations accepted.

Erin Freeman, who we're used to seeing direct from the podium, is one of the singers.  She gave me a brief preview of Friday night's program and a little background on the new group.

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Host, VPM Music

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