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Guitarist Jason Vieaux releases "Bach-Volume 2: Works for Violin"

Guitarist Jason Vieaux
Photo: Tyler Boye

Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Jason Vieaux has released "Bach Volume 2: Works for Violin" on Azica Records.  This is a follow up to his acclaimed 2009 album, "Bach Volume 1: Works for Lute."  Vieaux says, “Indeed, it’s been well over a decade since the 2009 issue of three lute works of Johann Sebastian Bach. The idea Azica and I had back then was that there would eventually be a Volume 2, which would complete the ‘lute’ set by making a ‘violin’ record that included BWV 1006… well, it eventually turned out to be about 13 years, 2 kids, 700 more gigs, and over 8 hours of commercial releases later."

I had the pleasure of catching up with Jason while he was on tour in Calgary.  Enjoy our chat about the music!

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Host, VPM Music

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