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Composer Brian Field discusses "Three Passions for our Tortured Planet"

Composer Brian Field
Peter Hurley
Composer Brian Field

Composer Brian Field is raising awareness about climate change with his new solo piano work "Three Passions for our Tortured Planet." He has formed a collective by the same name, inviting musicians around the world to perform and record their own versions of the piece. All of them are united in taking a stand, knowing that when coming together they can make a difference.

In honor of Earth Day back on April 22nd, I sat down with Brian to discuss the music and the overall project. I look forward to sharing his future endeavors with you as well.

Brian Field: Three Passions for Our Tortured Planet (excerpts)
1. Fire 2. Glaciers 3. Wind (Irene Cantos, piano)

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg
Classical Host, VPM Music

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