"Redemption: An Homage to Wayward Women" is a show conceived and written by local singer and actress Gabrielle Maes. It "highlights the every day struggles of people who live on the streets or have a lifestyle that may not be like yours." Various musical interludes will be heard throughout the evening as well, performed by pianist John Stetch. The show will introduce the audience to a variety of characters, all played by Gabrielle.
Gabrielle and John stopped by our VPM studios to give us a preview. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings this week at the Belmont United Methodist Church on Broad Rock Boulevard (November 7th through 9th). The church serves 1600 families a week at their amazing food bank and donations will go towards helping people who are dealing with various issues.
Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg
Classical Host, VPM Music