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LGBTQ Advocates Lobby General Assembly For Protection Laws


The General Assembly session begins this week in Richmond, and advocates in Virginia are again pushing for laws to protect LGBTQ residents.

Two measures would protect LGBTQ residents from discrimination in employment and housing. James Parrish with the advocacy group Equality Virginia says those bills have passed the GOP-controlled Senate for the last three years.

“EV’s priority will be to move these two bills successfully through the House of Delegates and to the governor’s desk to sign first in the south legislation that protects LGBT people,” Parrish said.

Democratic Senator Adam Ebbin of Alexandria, says non-discrimination is critical to the state’s economic development. “Forward looking companies, that come and evaluate Virginia...where do they want to be? But one of the things these companies look at: is this a welcoming atmosphere?,” asked Ebbin.

Another measure would prohibit health insurance companies from discriminating against transgender residents or based on gender identity.