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A Citizen’s Group in Chesterfield Digs into the Comprehensive Plan

Mike Uzel of Chesterfield Citizens United talks about the County's Comprehensive Plan Ian Stewart/WCVE

The group Chesterfield Citizens United has questions about language used in the Comprehensive Plan, which is currently up for review. One issue is a statement that the plan “serve as a guide for zoning, land use and development-related decisions and does not rezone property.”

The group says words such as “guide” are vague and “allows for misinterpretation.”

“The comp is a blueprint for the county. And it shouldn’t just be a guide, in my opinion.”

That’s Mike Uzel. He created the group, which now has 75 active members. Another complaint, Uzel says, stems from how property is zoned.

Planning commission member Gib Sloan says that’s because the Zoning Ordinance is outdated.

“Because the zoning ordinance as its written has us so hamstrung that we have difficulty navigating through it.”

Sloan says the county is in the process of updating the comprehensive plan as well as The Zoning Ordinance, which was last approved in 2015.

There will be a public hearing about the plan on February 19th.

Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.