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Counter-Protestors Drown Out Westboro Baptist Messages of Hate

Members of the extremist group Westboro Baptist Church protested in Richmond Monday. The group was protesting Delegate Danica Roem, who is the first trans women to serve in the legislature, as well as VCU's stance on diversity and inclusion for all students.

"Does everybody have a kazoo?"

At the Capitol, Randy Blythe of the Richmond heavy metal band Lamb of God armed over 100 counter-protestors with colorful plastic kazoos to drown out the six demonstrators from Westboro Baptist Church.

"Hey hey, ho ho, Westboro has got to go..."

Less than 30 minutes later, the Westboro Baptist group moved to a sidewalk near VCU's campus. Community member Meredith Carrington held a sign showing her support for diversity and inclusion.

"I think that Richmond has a long history of hate that we've done a tremendous amount to overcome, and I think we need to continue to do that in real ways," Carrington said.

In a statement, VCU president Michael Rao said quote “If the most rabid hate group in America” chooses to protest VCU, then [the school] must be doing something right."