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Democrats Grill Trump Nominee for Department of Interior

There were confirmation hearings in the Senate today for David Bernhardt who was an oil industry lobbyist, and author of the soon-to-be-released Trump administration five-year plan for offshore drilling.

Some opponents fear that plan will pave the way for the federal government to lease almost any part of the entire US coastline to oil and gas companies for offshore drilling.
“Well, I wouldn’t say there is momentum for getting this done," said Nat Mund, Director of Federal Affairs for the Southern Environmental Law Center. “We think that there is a growing chorus of outrage.”

That would include every Democratic member of the Virginia Congressional Delegation, who opposed five permits to allow seismic airgun testing.
But a Virginia state ban failed to pass a Senate Committee this session, and proponents, including the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, say they support the five-year leasing plan if the finalized version doesn’t jeopardize tourism, the environment, the NAVY and Wallop’s Island.

Editor's note: The Southern Environmental Law Center is one of WCVE’s Corporate Sponsors.
