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Seventh District Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger’s Fourth Town Hall Meeting

As Washington scrambled to unravel the Mueller report, Seventh District freshman Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger came home to Henrico Thursday night for a town hall meeting, to answer questions about the report and other issues on constituent’s minds. 


Charles Fishburne: There were questions about taxes, campaign finance reform, climate change and health insurance among others, but the Mueller report was near the top.

Audience member:  I feel that impeachment is in order at this time...  (fade)

Fishburne:  She's been a moderate voice in her freshman class of Democrats and said she wanted to study the report first.

Spanberger:   I believe it is my constitutional duty to make the best and most well-informed decision I can make.

Fishburne: Earlier, the former CIA operative told me details of Russian involvement in our elections as revealed in the Mueller report were more important that partisan politics.

Spanberger:  What’s important is they did it, we know they did it and we need to understand how they did it so we can keep them from doing it again.

Fishburne: Charles Fishburne, WCVE news.


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