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Will Midlothian Village Become the Next Libbie & Grove?

Chesterfield County held a meeting today/yesterday to showcase a more user-friendly area that still retains its old-town charm. The plan is to have the town look and feel like Richmond’s Libbie & Grove area.

The two-mile stretch of Midlothian Turnpike that cuts through the Village could see crosswalks on every corner, a protected shared-use bike path and a change in landscape that incorporates locally-owned retail with small-scale housing, says Planning Manager Steve Haasch.

“We want this to be a live, work and play area.”

The plan also incorporates changes to the 8-square-mile area around the Village, including a new street that would run from Midlothian Library to Midlothian Turnpike

Resident Tonya Osmond lives and works in the area. She’s looking forward to a more walkable and bikeable town. 

“We have all these great spaces but they’re just not connected very well.”


Amy Satterfield is with the non-profit Village of Midlothian Volunteer Coalition. She says the Coalition has been instrumental in advocating for the Village for over 30 years and is excited that the County is fully engaged in the vision for the future.

“That’s how it’s supposed to go. That we create places that work.”

The County began the process over three years ago with community input. Board of Supervisor Chair Leslie Haley says this meeting was the first time they could show visuals as to how the area could look. Haley anticipates the plan could go before the Planning Commission in August followed by a Board of Supervisors meeting in September.

Two public meetings are scheduled for next week.

Ian Stewart/WCVE News


For more information on the Midlothian Special Area Plan, head to Chesterfield's Government infornation page


Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.