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Charlottesville Councilors Freed from Statue Suit

The five members of the Charlottesville City Council who voted in 2017 to remove monuments to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson may leave the lawsuit against them, a judge has ruled.
Bob Fenwick, Wes Bellamy, Mike Signer, Kristin Szakos, and Kathy Galvin voted to move the statues. Maurice Jones, third from left, was then City Manager. (Photo: Hawes Spencer)

Earlier this year, the judge said that Councilors were not immune from paying legal fees if the city ended up losing the lawsuit. Legal analyst Scott Goodman:

"The legislature has made it clear that councilors just can't vote to do whatever they want and not be accountable for the consequences of what they do is completely contrary to the law, if they're spending money they have no right to spend."

Now, Judge Richard Moore says the city councilors didn't commit gross negligence and didn't appropriate any funds.

"I think Judge Moore saved the city and certainly the court system a great deal of wasted time."

The case goes to trial in September.

