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Coalition Asks That Twitter Remove White Supremacists

The coalition contends that Twitter breeds violence
The coalition contends that Twitter breeds violence. (Hawes Spencer/VPM)

Change The Terms is a new coalition of 55 human, civil, and digital rights groups which came forward Wednesday, five days before the second anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville .

Anti-racist activist Don Gathers supports a ban.

"What we went through two years ago here in Charlottesville was directly organized through Twitter and other social media alliances."

Jason Kessler, the lead organizer of the fateful Unite the Right rally, opposes the proposed ban.

"It is exploiting a tragedy in order to ram through censorship against a political dissident group."

The Change the Terms coalition insists that its focus is not politics but on Tweets that incite, intimidate, or harass; and some member organizations want to see Twitter yank the account of President Donald Trump. Twitter did not respond for this story.

