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Charlottesville Has Peaceful August 12 Anniversary

Two men talk at a Fourth Street memorial to Heather Heyer.
Two men talk at a Fourth Street memorial to Heather Heyer. (Photo: Hawes Spencer)

Survivors of the murderous car attack that followed an aborted white nationalist rally in Charlottesville two years ago today gathered at the site Monday to pay their respects.

An Ohio man is locked up for life on multiple counts of malicious wounding and murder, but this was a day to remember the victims, including 32-year-old activist Heather Heyer. Patrick Migas watched survivors hold hands and sang songs.

"I think the people of Charlottesville are becoming better people, and we're learning from all these tragedies."

Former mayor Mike Signer agrees.

"August 12 unleashed a lot, including a real hunger for a new emphasis on equity and social justice."

Since that day in 2017, Charlottesville has created a civilian review board of the police and bolstered spending on education and affordable housing.