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OSIG Failing to Perform Role, Study Finds

The office that is tasked with auditing Virginia state agencies and investigating allegations of fraud and abuse has not adequately fulfilled its role. That’s according to a study from the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission.

The Office of the State Inspector General was created in 2012 to oversee state agencies and respond to complaints of abuse. But members of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission released a report Monday  that says high turnover among both leadership and staff in the office has created challenges. Delegate Steve Landes is Vice-chair of the commission. 

“It is not doing what we originally envisioned originally with the legislation," Landes said.

The report says the office sometimes dismisses allegations of abuse or fraud prematurely without an investigation and that could be related to having too few investigators on staff.  In addition the report says some audits had taken two or more years to complete. Staff also njn complained that auditors were inexperienced.


Whittney Evans is VPM News’ features editor.