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Commonwealth Poll: Most Virginians Favor Impeachment Hearings

Former Governor Douglas Wilder
Source VCU L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs (Photo: Photo: Former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder)

A poll just released by VCU’s Commonwealth Poll indicates a majority of Virginians believe there is enough evidence to begin impeachment hearings.  But as Charles Fishburne reports, it is clearly divided among party lines.


Charles Fishburne:  It is 53% to 45% as to whether Congress should conduct impeachment hearings or not.

Douglas Wilder:  It is clear that people want to know what is happening in our government if there has been any wrongdoing, they want to know and by whom.

Fishburne:  Former Governor L. Douglas Wilder of the school that bears his name.

Wilder:  And the poll responses indicate a deep divide among the political parties.

Fishburne:  Eight out of ten Democrats think Congress should act, with 54% saying impeachment hearings should start now.  Eight out of ten Republicans believe there should be no hearings. 

Fishburne:  As for the 2020 Presidential race, likely voters say its Biden 52 to 44 over Trump, followed by Warren 50-46.

Charles Fishburne, VPM News.


Phil Liles is VPM's morning news host.
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