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Thumb Drive Issues Delay Some Voters in Chesterfield

Polling photo
Early morning voters at one precinct in Chesterfield had to wait a little longer to cast their ballot due to a USB/Thumb Drive issue. (Photo: Crixell Matthews)

Early morning voters at a precinct in North Chesterfield had to wait about 40 minutes to cast their ballot due to an issue regarding a thumb drive.

Travis Crook arrived at the Shenandoah Community Center at 6:30 in the morning to vote but after seeing a line, he decided to try later. 

“It looked like it was probably going to be a while. There was probably about 40 people in there and I saw people turning around and leaving so.” 

The issue was out of date thumb drives. These drives connect all three of their registration computers to a network that has up-to-date voter information, says Chief Polling Officer Ken Strout. 

“If the thumb drive is the wrong edition or the older one, then the current computers will not accept it.” 

Strout says people were still able to vote. But they had to manually record and verify voters using an emergency thumb drive system which slowed the process down. He says new thumb drives arrived within 45 minutes. 

Ian Stewart/VPM News

Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.
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