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Cold Front Coming: Snow Flakes Tomorrow Afternoon

A record-breaking cold front is still expected to sweep across the country tomorrow, stretching as far south as parts of the gulf coast. But forecasters are backing off a bit on Virginia’s first snow this season.

You may have your A/C on as you drive home this afternoon but by this time tomorrow…

Mike Montefusco: Certainly a very chilly afternoon.

Mike Montefusco, National Weather Service in Wakefield says it will actually be mild tonight and tomorrow morning, but by afternoon…

Montefusco: Those temperatures start to drop off slowly during the afternoon hours tomorrow and as the rain moves through, we do have a chance for some wet snowflakes to mix in with the rain.

He says that it will end early tomorrow evening.

Montefusco: Not a whole lot in the way of impact.

He says overnight lows tomorrow night will be in the upper teens and low 20’s in the metro area.