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Virginia Poultry Producers Welcome Back Biggest Customer As China Lifts Ban

National Turkey Federation
(National Turkey Federation)

Turkey time is a reminder that Virginia’s poultry business brings in over a billion dollars a year.  It is about to get some new business from an old customer.

China hasn’t seen a Virginia turkey or any other poultry from the US in years.

"In 2009, China represented almost 20% of US poultry exports," said Hobey Bauhan,  President of the Virginia Poultry Federation. With the 2015 ban, "It went to virtually zero."

China banned US poultry because avian flu was detected in the Northwest.  The ban was lifted just this month. Baughan says 95%  of the world’s consumers are outside of the United States, and China was a big market.

"When you look at markets like China and India and others, growing middle classes in these types of markets demonstrate the great potential."

Poultry products brought in over a billion dollars last year in Virginia.  With China back, producers think they could do even better. 
