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VCU Poll: Slim Majority Support Gun Restrictions

Governor Wilder, wearing a dark suit and purple tie, stands at a podium.
Former Governor Douglas Wilder.

A new VCU Center for Public Policy poll finds a slim majority of Virginians favor stricter gun laws. This is one of the key issues the General Assembly will begin to tackle when lawmakers get back to work tomorrow.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed say gun laws should be stricter, thirty percent think they are about right, while seventeen percent think the laws should be less strict.

Former Governor Douglas Wilder oversees the Center for Public Policy at the VCU school that bears his name.

He says tougher gun laws are not a done deal.

Wilder You’ve got to bring in the people to speak to it.

Wilder says passing the “one-gun a month law” during his administration took countless testimony from schools, hospitals and public safety officials to get it passed.

The poll also says large majorities support background checks and limits on gun ownership for those with mental illness.
