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General Assembly - Feb. 13, 2020

From the State Capitol in Richmond, I’m Craig Carper. 

Thousands of demonstrators gathered at the capitol today to protest new bills passed this session, easing access to abortion. 

The General Assembly has advanced bills that would undo regulations which opponents say were put in place solely to limit access to abortion. These include rules that abortion clinics meet the same building standards as hospitals, with required measurements for hallways and entrances. Proponents say the rules protect women’s safety. 

Our goal is to remind them that this is the mainstream of Virginia, people that stand up for the unborn and this idea that the bills that create the greatest volume and profit for the abortion industry, that’s not helping women. 

Abortion rights supporters say the elimination of building codes, 24 hour waiting periods and mandatory ultrasounds removes politicians from the doctor-patient relationship. 

When Virginians went to the polls last November, they voted for candidates who are going to make sure that everyone is going to decide for themselves whether and when to start a family. And that’s what we’re seeing in the legislature this year. 

Should the the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Roe V. Wade, the issue would go back to the states to decide. States with Democratic majorities, like Virginia, are working to make sure that state law guarantees access to abortion, before such a decision.  

For Assembly 20, I’m Craig Carper. 


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