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Central Virginia Team Formed to Deal with COVID-19

 A newly formed regional management team met this week to develop a cooperative plan to respond to expected COVID-19 cases in Central Virginia.

Leaders from Richmond, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Goochland have authorized the hazardous incident team to manage the coronavirus response across the region.

Henrico and Richmond Public Health Director Dr. Danny Avulu says we are likely days away from the first Virginia case. “I fully expect we are going to have our first confirmed case in Virginia in the next few days or so," Avula said.

He met with about 50 first responders, public health experts and emergency managers Thursday. He said, "There is a likelihood that we will have to make some decisions about whether we cancel social gatherings like concerts or athletic events.  We may get to a point where we have positive cases in schools and may have to make school closure decisions.”

He says the team will meet once a week for now.  If a case emerges, they will meet “as often as necessary” to assure public health and safety.