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Some VCU Students Face Deadline On Campus Housing

VCU photo
On campus housing is now under emergency guidelines at VCU and only available for international students or those who will end up homeless. (Photo: Crixell Matthews/VPM News)

VCU says international students who can’t go home and students who would otherwise be homeless have to re-apply to stay on campus. 

Roommates Kyle Mayo-Blake and Isabella Matos-Velazquez say they can’t go back home to Arlington, Virginia. Both have parents with health issues that would put them at greater risk if their kids return home. 

“So for us, we're not really sure what VCU means by 'will be homeless.' I guess we have parents and homes to go to, but they're not accessible or safe," said Matos-Velazquez.

Matos-Velazquez says her mom lives in a one bedroom apartment in Arlington, and also has lupus, asthma and is currently sick and is in quarantine. Mayo-Blake says his parents are also in quarantine.

“I have nowhere else to be but here," Mayo-Blake said.

VCU says all students who don’t have approved emergency petitions have to leave campus by 4 p.m. Sunday.

Both Mayo-Blake and Matos-Velazquez filed their petitions. VCU is also offering students limited financial support to assist in moving out of student housing -that deadline is 9 a.m. Friday, March 20. And they say they will let students know by Saturday at noon whether they’re approved to stay or not. 




Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.