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VPM Daily Newscast: April 14, 2020

Graph of coronavirus case projections
Modeling from UVA's Biocomplexity Institute

During the coronavirus outbreak, VPM is running a daily newscast of our reporting, hosted by Benjamin Dolle. Episodes are recorded at 6 p.m. and released for 7 a.m. the next day, Tuesday through Friday.

In this episode:

Officials Say Social Distancing is Working
A new model released by the UVA Biocomplexity Institute appears to show that social distancing measures have slowed the spread of the coronavirus, but researchers warn that if restrictions are lifted too soon it could lead to a sharp resurgence. State health officials say they’re considering ways to track movement when restrictions are eased, but advocates warn that could erode privacy.

State Won't Say Which Nursing Homes Have COVID-19 Outbreaks
More than half of the people ill with the coronavirus are in nursing homes, but the state won't say which ones.

Virginia Lawmakers Will Come Together - At a Distance
When the General Assembly reconvenes, it will be in two outdoor locations. The House of Delegates will meet in Capitol Square, and the Senate in a big tent behind the Science Museum. The unusual meeting venues will let the groups observe social distancing even while they consider Gov. Ralph Northam's legislative amendments.

Richmond Budget Takes $40 Million Hit
Richmond officials announced Monday that they expect a significant drop in revenue due to the coronavirus, totaling nearly $40 million. Mayor Levar Stoney has introduced a series of budget amendments to close the gap, including a $10 million reduction in proposed school spending.

Language a Barrier to Census Response
According to data from the Census Bureau, the response rate for the city of Richmond is 45%, compared to 53% statewide. Response rates are especially low in lower-income neighborhoods, such as sections of Southside as low as 30%, while more affluent areas in the West End have rates as high as 60%.



VPM News is the staff byline for articles and podcasts written and produced by multiple reporters and editors.