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VPM Daily Newscast: April 22, 2020

Aerial view of Richmond downtown
An aerial view of downtown Richmond. (Photo: Benjamin Thomas/CC 2.0)

During the coronavirus outbreak, VPM is running a daily newscast of our reporting, hosted by Benjamin Dolle. Episodes are recorded at 6 p.m. and released for 7 a.m. the next day, Tuesday through Friday.

In this episode:

General Assembly's new dress code: Face masks mandatory, ties banned
When legislators meet for the veto session today, it'll be under unusual circumstances in unusual venues.

Survey finds support for Democratic policies
A telephone survey of 800 Virginians found a majority supported a minimum wage increase, gun control measures and a constitutional amendment on redistricting. But the survey also found a split on how well Democrats did in the session, with a quarter of respondents saying they "don't know."

Nursing homes must communicate more
New federal rules require nursing homes to communicate with families, residents about COVID-19 cases in their facilities. Residents won't lose their Medicaid benefits if they move out during the pandemic, but they may not be able to return later.

To reach students during COVID-19, one non-profit is meeting them virtually
With schools closed and social distancing in place, Communities In Schools of Richmond are using phone calls and video games to reach out to some of the 20,000 youth they serve in the region.

VCU to use blood plasma transfusions to treat COVID-19
There is no drug treatment for the coronavirus, so Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center is turning to a treatment used during the 1918 influenza pandemic - blood transfusions. The center was just approved to try the treatment, which involves transfusing the blood plasma from someone who recovered from COVID-19 to a person ill with it. They plan to start this week.

Lost sense of smell a symptom of COVID-19
Researchers at VCU are studying a possible link between lost sense of smell, and are asking people to participate in a survey.