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Judge Grants Injunction Against Lee Monument Removal

Protester at the microphone
The Lee Monument has become the site of daily protests as thousands have come out against police brutality. (Photo: Crixell Matthews/VPM News)

A judge in Richmond has issued a 10 day injunction preventing Gov. Ralph Northam from removing the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument Avenue.

The 60-foot statue of Lee has stood in a place of honor on Richmond's Monument Avenue since 1890. The order says Virginia is party to a deed recorded that year, in which the state accepted the statue, pedestal, and grounds, and agreed to "faithfully protect them."

The lawsuit was filed by William Gregory, a descendant of two signatories on the deed. The judge's order claims it is "in the public's interest to resolve the case before the statue is removed."

A spokesperson for the governor says he is committed to taking down the divisive symbol, and his administration is confident he has that authority.