Counties in Central Virginia teamed up to create a new website called “Know Your Rights,” that pulls together resources for citizens to find information on laws surrounding discrimination.
Chesterfield County Administrator Joe Casey says with all the news around the country regarding social justice and discrimination, he asked himself what role Chesterfield can play in that discussion.
With that question, he began searching for informational websites and resources on anti-discrimination laws -- and soon realized that it’s complex.
“It really isn’t a lay perspective, something that’s educational, something that’s in one site that helps prompt you for the arrays of laws that you may need to know as a citizen,” said Casey.
Casey then partnered with Hanover and Henrico counties to develop a website with resources for people facing discrimination in the workplace, housing or the voting booth, to name a few.
“Because it’s not just a Chesterfield product. I mean many of the organizations that are on this website are regional based,” Casey said.
Under each category are links to laws, agencies and advocacy organizations -- that combat harassment based on age, race, gender identity or a person’s disability.
Casey says the website will keep adding new information on a regular basis.