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Break-in, Burglary at Stoney Campaign Office

Levar Stoney
Mayor Levar Stoney at the ChamberRVA Mayoral Forum last week. The mayor's campaign office was broken into overnight.

Mayor Levar Stoney’s re-election campaign reported a break-in and burglary at its Jackson Ward office Tuesday morning. 

According to the Richmond Police Department, the break-in happened overnight. As of now, only a television has been reported missing. 

Kevin Zeithaml, the mayor’s campaign manager, told VPM those responsible for the break-in “trashed the place” - knocking tables onto the ground, breaking glassware and spilling food and drinks.

"While it’s our hope that this crime was not politically motivated, it underscores the need for a more civil political discourse as we close out this election cycle," Zeithaml said in a statement.

RPD is investigating to determine if anything else was taken. Anyone with information that could aid the investigation is encouraged to call Det. Patricia Bruington at (804) 646-6619.