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Kenny Lane: Making Music Through Sickle Cell Anemia

Man feeds geese
Kenny Lane feeds geese. (Photo: Crixell Matthews/VPM News)

Between 2,500 and 4,500 Virginians of African descent suffer from sickle cell disease, a group of disorders which cause some red blood cells to stretch into a crescent shape, preventing them from carrying oxygen. Those cells often stick together, preventing normal red blood cells from traveling through the body and causing intense pain.

Kenny Lane was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia when he was eight years old, but he’s had the disease since birth. It’s a genetic condition passed down from Lane’s father, who also lived with the disease, and mother, who carried the gene.

Last month, Lane shared his story with VPM reporter Whittney Evans, who wrote about the racial and socioeconomic barriers that have long stood in the way of sickle cell patients. He hoped to give people a look into his daily routines, saying that despite his constant pain, he leads a normal life.

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