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Here’s a recap of the top stories on the morning of Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Richmond Public Schools to soon seek design firm for new Fox Elementary
Reported by VPM News’ Megan Pauly
The Richmond school board has approved an emergency procurement route to award a contract for the design of a new William Fox Elementary, which was partially destroyed by a fire in February. This means the process to secure a design firm to work on the new school building will be faster than usual. Richmond Public School’s Director of School Construction says the rationale for this is to protect historic elements of the school, which was recently named one of the state’s most endangered historic places.
Chesapeake Bay Watershed gets C+ on overall report card
Reported by WHRO News’ Doug Boynton
The grade for 20-21 is a slight improvement over previous years, according to the report released by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The Chesapeake Bay health score, part of the overall grade, improved slightly from 45 to 50. The center's president says the bay's health reflects what is happening across its watershed, which includes six states, including Virginia and the District of Columbia, home to more than 18 million people.
In Other News:
The Incredible Shrinking Richmond Times Dispatch – Style Weekly
COVID-19 cases have climbed in Virginia over the spring – Virginia Mercury
Who wants to make $500,000-a-year pitch for new ballpark's naming rights? - Richmond Times-Dispatch
Richmond Folk Festival Announces First Artists for 2022 – Style Weekly
In Case You Missed It:
Applications are officially open for baby formula relief for Richmonders - VPM News
Flood Fund oversight to remain with executive branch – Virginia Mercury
Youngkin administration blows own deadline on remote work - The Washington Post