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VPM Daily Newscast: Aug. 9, 2022

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VPM Daily Newscast, Tuesday August 9, 2022.

The VPM Daily Newscast contains all your Central Virginia news in just 5 to 10 minutes.

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Here’s a recap of the top stories on the morning of Aug. 9, 2022    

Richmond police chief won’t again speak on alleged mass shooting plot 
Reported by VPM News’ Patrick Larsen  

Richmond Police Chief Gerald Smith shut down questions from reporters during a press conference Monday about an alleged July 4th mass shooting plot.  

Virginia Beach teenager who’s planted thousands of trees wins national recognition
Reported by WHRO’s Katherine Hafner

On a recent afternoon, Evan Nied points to a line of greenery next to the clubhouse in the Ashville Park community of Pungo. Rows of baby trees tied to stakes shoot out from the ground. 

“I’m really proud of these trees that we have over here because this was our first partnership with the city of Virginia Beach. And I had to work with several contractors,” he said.   

In other news:  

Five years after Aug. 12, city tries to finds its way (The Daily Progress) 

What it was like to be trapped on I-95 during the January 2022 snowstorm that brought traffic to a halt (Washingtonian) 

Goochland poised for another big Virginia fulfillment center (Richmond Times-Dispatch) 

In case you missed it:    

How a former nightclub singer became Virginia’s most powerful and tireless advocate for inmates (WHRO) 

Vision300 team out, two contenders left for Diamond District (Richmond BIZsense)  

Richmond School Board approves internal audit of COVID relief funds (VPM News) 

Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.