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Want to name a new VPM News segment?

Hundreds of people standing along Arthur Ashe Boulevard in front of the VMFA
Crixell Matthews (File)
VPM News
The VPM News team is starting a new segment, and we need your help naming it.

What do you wonder about the culture, people and places of Virginia that you’d like VPM News reporters to investigate? We’re working on a new audience-powered series that needs a cool, quintessentially Virginia name. Let us do the digging.

Things like:

  • What the heck is that abandoned/tall/notable building?
  • Why do so many people have vanity plates in Virginia, anyway?
  • Who is _____ and why is _____ named after them?

And because this project will be powered by the VPM News audience, we also need your help naming it.

Send your suggestions to [email protected] to be in the running. No idea is too silly for consideration, and everyone is welcome to participate — but if you're under 18, make sure you have a guardian's permission first.

The person who submits the winning title will get some VPM-branded gear! Good luck.

VPM News is the staff byline for articles and podcasts written and produced by multiple reporters and editors.