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On the agenda: RPS immigration agent policy, CRB and teacher bonuses

The Richmond City Hall
Shaban Athuman
VPM News
The Richmond City Hall is seen on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at the General Assembly Building at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond, Virginia.

Public meeting highlights around Central Virginia for the week beginning Feb. 3.

Below are details on some upcoming public meetings in Richmond, Hanover and Henrico counties.


Organizational Development Standing Committee

4 p.m. Monday
Council chambers, 2nd floor, Richmond City Hall
301 N. 9th St.

The panel is set to consider a resolution to establish policies and procedures for the city’s Civilian Review Board, more than two years after the City Council voted to set one up. The proposal includes the standard operating procedures for the board.

Members are set to get a presentation of the 2024 biennial real estate strategies plan for city-owned surplus properties.

Committee votes are recommendations for the Richmond City Council, which has the final say on ordinances and resolutions.

Richmond School Board - Work Session

6 p.m. Monday 
School Board chambers, 17th Floor, Richmond City Hall
301 N. 9th St.

The board is expected to hold a work session meeting without any scheduled votes on agenda items. Members are set to be updated on the school district’s long-term strategic plan, legislative goals and discuss new budget proposals.

The board is also expected to get a “first read” on proposed new policies on what school personnel would do if immigration law enforcement agents ask to gain access to one.

Richmond School Board

6 p.m. Tuesday
School Board chambers, 17th Floor, Richmond City Hall
301 N. 9th St.

Board members are expected to consider employee bonus options in next year’s budget (FY26) and pick one. The district is recommending $7,500 bonuses for new teachers who sign an acceptance letter by June 1, start on the first day of the 2025-26 school year and commit to work for RPS for three years.

The board is also set to vote on adding proposed policies on what personnel should do if any immigration law enforcement agents seek school access, including requiring administrators to verify subpoenas and a list of steps to follow.

Also on the agenda: 

  • The board is set to approve a Head Start report
  • A resolution “for Access to Education, Student Privacy, and Immigration Enforcement.”

Planning Commission

6 p.m. Tuesday
5th Floor conference room, Richmond City Hall
301 N. 9th St.

Members are set to take up a proposal to put a platform – within the right-of-way on the southeast corner of Brauers Ln. and Mechanicsville Tpke. – that riders would use to get on and off the bus. City officials recommending the proposal say it would give riders more waiting room, easier access to get on a bus and calm traffic in the area.

The panel is expected to consider a proposal to buy over 4 acres of undeveloped parcels — at 1401 and 1421 Brander St. — to preserve it as a green space and improve the Richmond Slave Trail’s connectivity within the James River Park System.

Another proposal set up for consideration would grant a conservation and open-space easement on the parcels to the Capital Region Land Conservancy, Inc. and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Land acquisitions have been made, including last year, to ensure that access to parts of the trail is secure.

The commission is set to get a presentation on the first long-range plan for Richmond’s park system since the 1970s, according to the presentation.

Commission votes are recommendations for the Richmond City Council, which has the final say on ordinances and resolutions.

Chesterfield County

School Board - Work Session

4 p.m. Tuesday
Chesterfield County Public Meeting Room
10001 Iron Bridge Rd.

The board is expected to hear a presentation on the FY26 technology budget, the proposed FY26 capital improvement plan and a Head Start update. It is also set to hear recommendations to bolster the district’s energy efficiency, including a district-wide LED lighting conversion and solar panel installations.

Also this week, School Board members are set to hold three budget town halls that will begin at 6:30 p.m.

  • Monday: Manchester High (Matoaca District)
  • Wednesday: Tomahawk Creek Middle (Clover Hill District)
  • Thursday: Spanish-Speaking town hall at Manchester Middle (All Districts)

Hanover County

Hanover County School Board

5:00 PM Tuesday
Hanover County School Board Room
200 Berkley Street, Ashland

The school board will receive a report from a third-party vendor hired to aid in its search for a permanent superintendent. Illinois-based consultants Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA) were hired to assist the board throughout its selection process and engaged the community through a host of focus groups and community meetings.

Applications for the position will close in February and interviews are scheduled to take place in March ahead of the board’s anticipated vote on the new superintendent in April 2025.

Community meeting

5:00 p.m.  Wednesday
Henry Clay Elementary School gym
310 S. James Street 

County representatives are seeking feedback on potential uses for the old Henry Clay Elementary School building. Henry Clay and John M. Gandy Elementary School was officially closed with the opening of the new Ashland Elementary School.

The Gandy building has been mostly demolished, while Henry Clay remains standing.

Hanover’s school board convened ownership of the structure to the county’s board of supervisors who have long sought to find an agreed-upon use for the aging building.

Henrico County

School Board Town Hall

6:30 p.m. Monday
Quioccasin Middle School
9400 Quioccasin Road

School board members are expected to share updates on the planned replacement building for Quioccasin Middle, wraparound services for families, student support and wellness and a planned "living building" environmental education center at Wilton Farm.

Dean Mirshahi is a general assignment reporter at VPM News.
Lyndon German covers Henrico and Hanover counties for VPM News.
Billy Shields is the Chesterfield County reporter for VPM News.