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Complete Results of the Word Fugitives Contest

What do you call those times when you think you're going to sneeze and it feels like it's almost there and it's about to happen and you draw a breath in and it just goes away, leaving you disappointed?

Most popular submission (328 votes, more than any other single word): snizzle

Other popular submissions: sneeze tease (160), sneizure (43), snee (41), sneezle (33), snickle (32), sneeze freeze (28), snud (21), amsneezia (16), sneezent (10), sneefu (8), near mist (8), snope (4), sneevaporation (3), snurge (3)

Derivatives of "choo" or "achoo" (total 428 votes): mischoo, no-choo, not-choo, deja choo, pseudachoo, retractachoo, missed oppa-choo-nity, about-choo

Variations of "Gesundheit" (total 250 votes): gesundhalt, gesundheist, gesundflight, gesundmight, gesund-less, gesund-aint

The "interruptus" family (total 220 votes): sneezus interruptus, sinus interruptus, honkus interruptus, tussis interrupta (from a retired Latin teacher)

First Runner-Up (as decided by the All Things Considered staff): an-tissue-pation

Winner of the Word Fugitive Contest: sniff-hanger

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