Public Service: The Times-Picayune of New Orleans and the sun Herald of Gulfport, Miss., for coverage of Hurricane Katrina
Breaking News Reporting: The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, for Hurricane Katrina coverage (Interview with 'Times-Picayune' Editor Jim Amoss, Jan. 4)
Investigative Reporting: Susan Schmidt, James V. Grimaldi and R. Jeffrey Smith of The Washington Post for coverage of the Jack Abramoff scandal (Interview with Schmidt and Smith, Feb. 1)
Explanatory Reporting: David Finkel of The Washington Post, for writing about the U.S. government's attempt to bring democracy to Yemen
Beat Reporting: Dana Priest of The Washington Post, for reporting on secret prisons and the government's counterterrorism campaign (Dana Priest Interview, Nov. 5, 2005)
National Reporting: James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of The New York Times (Interview with Risen, Jan. 5)
National Reporting: Staffs of the San Diego Union-Tribune and Copley News Service
International Reporting: James Kahn and Jim Yardley of The New York Times for coverage of China's legal system
Feature Writing: Jim Sheeler of the Rocky Mountain News, for his story on a Marine major who helps families of comrades killed in Iraq cope with their loss
Commentary: Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times
Criticism: Robin Givhan of The Washington Post
Editorial Writing: Rick Attig and Doug Bates of The Oregonian for writing about abuse inside a mental hospital
Editorial Cartooning: Mike Luckovich of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Luckovich Featured on 'Talk of the Nation' Feb. 9)
Breaking News Photography: The Dallas Morning News, for coverage of Hurricane Katrina
Feature Photography: Todd Heisler of the Rocky Mountain News, for behind-the-scenes funeral coverage of Marines from Colorado
Fiction: Geraldine Brooks, March (Book Excerpt and Interview, March 9, 2005)
Drama: No prize awarded
History: David M. Oshinsky, Polio: An American Story
Biography or Autobiography: Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Bird and Sherwin on 'Talk of the Nation' May 11, 2005)
Poetry: Claudia Emerson, "Late Wife"
General Non-Fiction: Caroline Elkins, Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya (Elkins Interview, Jan. 22, 2005)
Music: Yehudi Wyner, "Piano Concerto: 'Chiavi in Mano'"
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