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Beet Tumbleweed

This is one of the snacks currently being served at Washington, D.C.,'s Minibar as part of a 30-course tasting menu. It comes from chef Katsuya Fukushima.

1 medium beet

3 cups vegetable oil

Kosher salt

Preheat oil to 340 degrees.

Peel beet and cut off ends. Slice into thin strings using Japanese Benriner cutter or pressing hard with a zester. Measure strings into 1/3-ounce portions, a little less than a tablespoon.

Place a single portion of string into hot oil for 8 seconds. Remove from oil, quickly place on towel to drain and salt liberally.

Within 5 seconds after leaving oil, work hot string between the palms of your hands until it hardens into a ball the size of a ping-pong. You may have to try several times to get the proper shape. Repeat process until you have used all the beet strings.

Serve as a snack or as a little bite before the meal begins.

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