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Young Composer Draws on Variety of Influences

When 13-year-old composer Jeremiah Klarman was just an infant, it was already clear to his parents that he was going to gravitate toward music.

"My parents tell me that whenever I heard music, I would stop whatever I was doing and look around to see where the music was coming from," he says. "I've had melodies in my head for as long as I can remember."

Jeremiah composed his first piece when he was 6, although his baby sitter was the one who actually wrote down the notes. These days, Jeremiah composes on Sibelius software. But if he's away from his computer, he'll compose at an instrument or by hand in a notebook.

His musical influences are varied.

"Classical music inspires me most of the time," he says, "but I've also been inspired by modern music, rock music, Jewish music, reggae, jazz, country, and ragtime. I love Broadway musicals. too."

When Jeremiah isn't composing, some of his other interests include studying Hebrew, playing games, reading books, swimming, and writing stories and poems. He also is an avid From the Top fan and was a devoted listener long before being asked to appear on the program.

"I listen to the show on the radio, and I also like to go to the Web site and listen to shows again and again," he says.

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